A Sneak Peak Into One Of Our Events...

Marc Aurel Free Tour 2022

Marc Aurel Free tour is a series of events taking place in different cities all over Europe.
Get ready for 2hrs of hardcore personal development and self actualization content for FREE. We'll be diving deep into the most important topics when it comes to personal development. How to get rid of laziness, procrastination, fear of failure and so on. Marc and his coaches will be giving live demonstrations and much more. If you're ready for 2 action packed hours with Marc and his top executive coaches join in a city close to you. 

See below for more details.

Marc Aurel Free tour is a series of events taking place in different cities all over Europe.
This event is for your business professionals and business owners. A deep dive into business owner psychology and how to avoid common mindset roadblocks that keep entrepreneurs from growing. Marc and his coaches will be giving live demonstrations and much more. If you're ready for 2 action-packed hours with Marc and his top executive coaches join in a city close to you for FREE. 

See below for more details.

  February 5, 2022, Vienna Austria | Price: Free

  April 15, 2022, Berlin Germany | Price: Free

  April 22, 2022, Cologne Germany | Price: Free

  June 10, 2022, Brussels Belgium | Price: Free

 August 13, 2022, Amsterdam Netherlands | Price: Free

  September 10, 2022, Zurich Switzerland | Price: Free

High Performance Bootcamp

5 military style training days!!! In our high performance bootcamp we will push you out of your comfort zone, we will crush your fears, and transform you into a highly disciplined, highly self-confident HIGH PERFORMER. Alongside Marc and his executive coaches we will have special forces military drill instructors pushing you to your limit during the day with the only goal to break your old self and create a new one. In the evening we will camp outside to reconnect to nature and enjoy some campfire conversations.

See below for more details.

5 military-style training days!!! In our high-performance bootcamp, we will push you out of your comfort zone, we will crush your fears, and limiting beliefs. This training is aimed at pushing you to your physical and mental limits and beyond. We will create a new you. A you where the old boundaries and limitations don't exist anymore. A you where you're are free from fears and limiting beliefs. A you with more confidence than ever before. And a you that wakes know whatever comes: "I got this!"

See below for more details.

  August 16-20, 2022, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 7.500€

  September 13-17, 2022, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 7.500€

Marc Aurel Business Retreat

3 days of luxury and business. Join Marc and his top executive coaches on fun activities, enjoying the sun on a private yacht, dining in the finest restaurants that Cyprus has to offer while at the same time getting the chance to pick Marc's brain about business, leadership, marketing, lifestyle, or anything else. 
Arrival Friday evening. Departure Sunday evening.

See below for more details.

  May 14-16, 2022, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 12.500€ (0 of 3 seats available)

  June 25-27, 2022, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 12.500€ (0 of 3 seats available)

  July 23-25, 2022, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 12.500€ (0 of 3 seats available)

Marc Aurel VIP-Event

Our yearly VIP-Event is held in Cyprus at our Office. Get ready for a 4-day seminar on the most in-depth psychology, mindset, and business knowledge. Every year we reveal our new findings and learnings that help us and our students grow continuously. 
4 days of straight-to-the-point knowledge followed by private Barbecue, drinks, and fun conversations.

See below for more details. 

  October 14-17, 2021, Paphos Cyprus | Price: 5.000€

© 2020 Marc Aurel Consulting & Investments Ltd.